About Us

Hey! My name is Leslie and I am the owner of Heirbloom. My husband Dominic is my right hand man, and together we have three beautiful girls. Our farm is located in Calera, Alabama. In addition to flowers, we also have a veggie garden, Scottish Highland cows, and free-range chickens. Dom and I both grew up in suburban neighborhoods, so we are very much self-taught, first generation farmers.

I spent 12 years as a pediatric nurse, and in 2022, I made the decision to be home with my family. 2022 was also our first season as a flower farm. I started with a small area, and could not believe how successful our trial year was. The demand for our locally grown flowers was amazing! There is something about being outside and tending to nature that fills my soul. We now sell wholesale to florists, subscriptions, the flower stand, and The Farmers Market at Brock’s Gap.

My goal is to be a part of the movement of bringing flower farming back to America, instead of the industry’s standard imports. Our farm has big dreams, and I hope that you will be a part of our story!